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Before your trip to the Philippines, make sure to get your necessary vaccinations.

Depending on the duration of your stay in the Philippines or in other countries, you are advised to take precautionary vaccinations. Check in advance which specific health conditions applies to your trip.


Please check the website of Statens Serum Institut - Udlandsvaccination for information about diseases and vaccination for foreign travel. 


Vaccination for Danish nationals in the Philippines

For Danish nationals who have legal residency in the Philippines, please contact the local government unit (LGU) where you are a resident to register in the Philippine government's vaccination program.


Effective July 21, 2023, the President of the Philippines has officially revoked the state of public health emergency attributed to COVID-19 across the nation. As a result, all previous COVID-19-related restrictions for entering the country have been lifted. This also means that vaccines are no longer mandatory for entry. Read the full Proclamation No. 297 here.